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How do we invest your money

We have 2 distinct strategies to create value for investors, each strategy leveraging each other and building on our team’s core strengths and capabilities. Our 2 strategies enable us to deliver one-off project income as well as long-term rental income.

How can you invest?

We are looking for both UK based and international investors. You can work with us at 3 different levels, depending on your goals, requirements, and time-frame. The level is also influenced by your preferences around value creation strategy.


How much is the rate of return ?

For a loan the guaranteed rate of return is 8% per annum. For JV, it depends on the specific project(s). However the aim is to achieve yields of at least 12% per annum.

What is the minimum investment?

For a loan it is £10k. For both short and long-term JV it is £50k.

How safe is my money?

Your capital and the return you will receive are both protected by the legal agreement that both parties sign, which is subject to English Law. You receive your original capital back in full at term.

Where do you invest in below market value properties?

We buy in Bristol. Bristol has the highest income per capita after London, has a very fluid property market, is backed by a stable and diversified economy, two major universities, the BBC, and a large pool of professionals. We have access to a team of quality tradesmen based in the city. We have been living in Bristol for 9 years and successfully investing and building a medium-size portfolio, made of single let, house of multiple occupancy and luxury serviced apartments.

What is the investment timescale?

Your capital is held for at least 9 months up to 24 months as per individually agreed timescales, and repaid on the relevant anniversary of your start date, with the agreed return. Sometimes we may agree to repay your capital at a specific Break Date with accrued interest on the 12 month period agreement..

Do you, as the experienced property investor, also invest your own money?

Yes. Our continuous fund raising campaigns are a means to accelerate the creation of wealth in the current economic climate.

How will you communicate with me?

There is an initial meeting to discuss this opportunity in order to ensure a comfortable fit for both parties. This first meeting gives you the opportunity to carry out due diligence. A second meeting allows any further queries to be answered, and usually sees the completion of the legal agreement, which both parties have witnessed. We do advise you take legal advice from your solicitor prior to entering into any legal agreement. You then transfer the sum agreed. You are sent quarterly progress reports to keep you updated. Your capital and the return you earn are guaranteed legally, but it creates a good partner relationship for you to have knowledge of the progress we are making as investment partners.